
How to find reliable crochet machine heads suppliers from China?


A Mexican customer feedback yesterday:” Your price is perfect!” and I smiled inside: this guy must have been ripped off by another supplier.

The industrial belt for the Braiding Machine Head is in Taizhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou.

It is well known that Wenzhou businessmen have the highest sensitivity to information and the fastest reaction. When the domestic face mask rope knitting machines began to gain popularity, Wenzhou people, whether they were taking auto parts, power tools, clothing, and other products, turned to make crochet heads one after another. Incredible, some guests are restaurant owners, shopkeepers.
The price of the head also soared from 20 USD to 60 USD at that time. After May, the market took a nosedive and they returned to business as usual. Some of the heads from Wenzhou were approved unreliable, and no one bought them even closeout. You know, time is urgent, production technology is not mature, how can they produce a good product in a short time?

If you are looking for a reliable crochet head manufacturer, there are 2 important points for you.

1.Please limit your location to Taizhou or Ningbo. Of course, traders regardless of location, if can support technical, consider cooperation.

2.Make sure the factory has been making this product before the virus outbreak.

Besides, please note that very few bad suppliers sell regular-speed heads as a high-speed head. How to avoid it?

Please click the below article.

High-speed head VS Regular-speed head, what is the difference?

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